Malaysia e-Invoicing API Integration : Comprehensive Guide

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  • Malaysia e-Invoicing API Integration : Comprehensive Guide

In Malaysia, the landscape of invoicing is rapidly evolving with the adoption of electronic invoicing (e-invoicing). A crucial element in this transformation is the integration of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs facilitate seamless communication between businessesโ€™ internal systems and the MyInvois Portal, enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and compliance of invoicing processes. This blog will brief on Malaysia e-invoicing API integration benefits for enterprises, prerequisites, and key actions required for successful implementation.

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of e-invoicing, APIs enable businesses to connect their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems directly with the MyInvois Portal. This integration automates the submission, validation, and management of invoices, streamlining the invoicing process.

Role of e-invoicing APIs 

APIs play a pivotal role in the e-invoicing ecosystem by:

  • Automating Data Exchange: APIs reduce the need for manual data entry by automatically transferring invoice information between systems.
  • Ensuring Compliance: APIs help businesses meet regulatory requirements by submitting invoices in the correct format and adhering to tax regulations.
  • Enhancing Accuracy: By minimizing manual intervention, APIs reduce the risk of errors and discrepancies in invoicing.

e-Invoicing API Integration Benefits

  1. Automation and Efficiency
    APIs enable businesses to automate various aspects of the invoicing process, such as data entry, submission, and validation. This automation leads to significant efficiency gains by reducing manual workload and speeding up invoice processing.
  2. Real-Time Updates
    With API integration, businesses receive immediate feedback on invoice status. This real-time communication allows for quick resolution of any issues and ensures that invoices are processed and validated without delay.
  3. Scalability
    APIs are designed to handle large volumes of transactions, making them ideal for businesses with high or fluctuating invoicing needs. They can manage thousands of invoices seamlessly, supporting business growth and operational demands.
  4. Improved Accuracy
    Automating invoice submission through APIs minimizes the risk of human errors. This accuracy ensures that invoices are correctly processed, reducing discrepancies and enhancing financial record reliability.
  5. Enhanced Compliance
    APIs ensure that invoices are submitted in compliance with Malaysian e-invoicing regulations. This helps businesses avoid penalties and maintain good standing with tax authorities.

Prerequisites for API Integration

Before integrating APIs for e-invoicing, businesses should consider the following prerequisites:

  1. Technical Readiness
    Ensure that your ERP or accounting system is compatible with API integration. This may require updating or modifying existing systems to accommodate API functionalities.
  2. API Documentation
    Familiarize yourself with the API documentation provided by the IRBM. This documentation includes detailed instructions on how to implement the API, including endpoints, data formats, and authentication procedures.
  3. Testing Environment
    Set up a testing environment using the API e-invoicing Sandbox provided by the IRBM. This allows you to test the integration and ensure that it works correctly before going live.
  4. Security Measures
    Implement robust security measures to protect data during API transactions. This includes using encryption and secure authentication methods to safeguard sensitive information.

e-Invoicing API Sandbox Testing Portal : Uses and Actions

  1. Testing Integration
    Use the Sandbox environment to test the integration of your ERP system with the MyInvois Portal. This testing phase helps identify and resolve any issues before moving to the live environment.
  2. Simulating Transactions
    Simulate various invoicing scenarios to ensure that the API handles different types of transactions correctly. This includes testing for error handling and validation.
  3. Monitoring Performance
    Monitor the performance of the API integration during testing. Evaluate factors such as response times and error rates to ensure optimal performance in the live environment.
  4. Debugging Issues
    Address any issues or bugs identified during testing. The Sandbox environment provides a safe space to troubleshoot and refine the integration before full deployment.

Types of E-Invoice APIs

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) offers 15 APIs split into two categories: E-Invoicing APIs and Platform APIs.

  1. E-Invoicing APIs: These manage core e-invoicing tasks such as submitting, validating, and tracking e-invoices. Key functions include verifying Tax Identification Numbers (TINs), submitting e-invoices, and retrieving invoice details. These APIs ensure accuracy, compliance, and efficiency in the e-invoicing process.
    1. Submission APIs
      These APIs handle the submission of e-invoices from your ERP system to the MyInvois Portal. They ensure that invoices are correctly formatted and transmitted.
    2. Validation APIs
      Validation APIs check the accuracy and compliance of submitted invoices. They verify that invoices meet regulatory requirements and flag any errors or discrepancies.
    3. Status APIs
      Status APIs provide real-time updates on the status of submitted invoices. They allow businesses to track the progress of invoices through the approval and payment process.
    4. Reporting APIs
      Reporting APIs generate reports on invoicing activities, such as submission status, validation results, and compliance metrics. These reports help businesses monitor and manage their invoicing operations.
  1. Platform APIs: These enhance the overall user experience beyond just invoicing. They handle authentication, access control, and data retrieval, enabling secure and smooth access to invoicing systems. Examples include APIs for user login, document type retrieval, and notification management.

Together, these APIs streamline e-invoicing and support businesses in maintaining compliance with Malaysia's digital invoicing requirements.

Comparison of API Integration vs. Traditional Manual Data Entry


API Integration

Traditional Manual Data Entry


Automates data exchange, reducing manual input

Time-consuming, requires manual input


Reduces errors through automation

Higher risk of human error


Real-time updates, faster processing

Slower processing due to manual handling


Handles high volumes of transactions

Less scalable, increases workload with volume


Ensures regulatory compliance automatically

Manual validation, prone to compliance issues


Advanced security features

Often less secure handling of data

Challenges and Solutions in API Integration

Integration Complexity

Challenge: Integrating APIs with existing systems can be complex and require technical expertise.

Solution: Work with experienced developers and consult API documentation to ensure a smooth integration process. Utilize testing environments to address any issues before going live.

Data Security

Challenge: Ensuring the security of data transmitted through APIs is critical.

Solution: Implement encryption and secure authentication methods to protect sensitive information during API transactions.

Compliance Issues

Challenge: Keeping up with regulatory changes and ensuring API compliance can be challenging.

Solution: Stay updated with the latest regulations and updates from the IRBM. Regularly review and update your API integration to meet compliance requirements.

Technical Support

Challenge: Obtaining timely support for API-related issues can be difficult.

Solution: Leverage support resources provided by the IRBM and engage with API providers for technical assistance. Maintain a dedicated team for API management and troubleshooting.

Malaysia's E-Invoice Model via API vs MyInvois Portal


MyInvois Portal

API Integration

Creation and Submission

E-Invoices are created manually (one by one) or in batches (Excel upload) via the MyInvois Portal.

E-Invoices are automatically submitted from ERP systems or third-party software using API.


Validated e-Invoices are received in PDF format; errors require fixing and resubmitting.

Instant validation with responses for errors or successful validation, including unique identifiers from IRBM.


Notifications are sent via MyInvois Portal and email to both supplier and buyer for validation outcomes.

Notifications are sent through the integrated ERP system or software, directly to both supplier and buyer.


Suppliers manually share the validated e-Invoice with buyers, including a QR code for verification.

Buyers can access validated e-Invoices directly through their ERP system or integrated software.


Provides built-in reporting and dashboard tools for detailed insights.

Allows for flexible and customizable reporting and dashboards within the businessโ€™s existing systems.


Stored in IRBMโ€™s database; businesses are advised to keep their own records as well.

Stored in IRBMโ€™s database and easily accessible through the businessโ€™s ERP or integrated software.

This comparison highlights the differences between using the MyInvois Portal and API integration for managing e-invoicing in Malaysia. It underscores the automation, efficiency, and customization benefits that API integration offers, making it an attractive option for businesses aiming to streamline their invoicing processes.

Best Practices for Successful API Integration in E-Invoicing

Successful API integration for e-invoicing requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to ensure a smooth and effective implementation:

Thorough Planning

Before diving into API integration, develop a comprehensive plan outlining the objectives, scope, and timelines. Identify key stakeholders, define project requirements, and set clear milestones.

Choose the Right API Provider

Select an API provider that meets your business needs and provides robust support and documentation. Evaluate providers based on their reliability, security features, and alignment with regulatory requirements.

Comprehensive Testing

Utilize the API e-invoicing Sandbox to test the integration thoroughly before going live. This helps identify and resolve issues, ensuring the integration works seamlessly in the production environment.

Ensure Data Security

Protect sensitive data transmitted through APIs by implementing robust security measures. This includes encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits.

Maintain Compliance

Stay updated with the latest regulatory changes and ensure your API integration remains compliant with Malaysian e-invoicing requirements.

User Training and Support

Provide training for users who will interact with the API integration. Ensure they understand how to use the system effectively and have access to support resources.

Monitor and Optimize

Continuously monitor the performance of the API integration and make necessary adjustments to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.

API Integration for e-Invoice in Malaysia | Conclusion

API integration for e-invoicing in Malaysia offers significant benefits, including automation, accuracy, compliance, and scalability. By understanding the role of APIs, addressing prerequisites, and leveraging the MyInvois Portal, businesses can enhance their invoicing processes and achieve greater operational efficiency. As e-invoicing continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will ensure that your business remains competitive and compliant.

e-Invoicing API Integration | FAQs

What is an API in the context of e-invoicing?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of tools that allows your internal systems to interact directly with the MyInvois Portal. It automates the submission and management of e-invoices, ensuring seamless data exchange and compliance with regulatory requirements.

How does API integration benefit my business?

API integration automates invoicing processes, reduces manual errors, speeds up transaction processing, ensures compliance, and provides real-time updates. This enhances overall efficiency and accuracy in handling invoices.

What are the prerequisites for integrating APIs for e-invoicing?

Prerequisites include having a technically capable ERP system, access to detailed API documentation, a sandbox testing environment, and robust security measures to ensure successful and secure API integration.

How can I use the API e-invoicing Sandbox?

The API e-invoicing Sandbox is a testing environment where you can simulate transactions, validate integration, monitor performance, and troubleshoot any issues before moving to live production.

What types of APIs are available for e-invoicing?

There are several types of e-invoicing APIs, including:

  1. Submission APIs: For sending invoices to the MyInvois Portal.
  2. Validation APIs: For verifying invoice details and ensuring compliance.
  3. Status APIs: For checking the status of submitted invoices.
  4. Reporting APIs: For generating reports and insights from invoicing data.

What challenges might I face with API integration, and how can I address them?

There are several types of e-invoicing APIs, including:

  1. Submission APIs: For sending invoices to the MyInvois Portal.
  2. Validation APIs: For verifying invoice details and ensuring compliance.
  3. Status APIs: For checking the status of submitted invoices.
  4. Reporting APIs: For generating reports and insights from invoicing data.

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