GSTHero™ SafeSign
How flexible is your Digital Signature solution?
Get GSTHero SafeSign Today
Submit information below to schedule a demo with our expert
Authorize your documents securely and safely from anywhere in the world
Automate your workflow and save over 1,000 hours a year in repetitive work
Works smoothly and securely no matter what ERP you use
GSTHero™ SafeSign integrates with 20+ ERPs!

Military grade security, making SafeSign unbreakable!
Other Solutions by GSTHero
GST Return Filing

Claim maximum ITC with Invoice wise Provisional Credit Mgmt. Apart from GST Return, get a strong vendor communication feature to notify reconciliation reports with just 1 click.

Generate / Cancel invoices from ERP with one click. Also, validate and print invoices with QR codes. Get auto-accounting of purchase invoices directly into your ERP.
e-Way Bill

E-Way bill management, directly from your ERP. No JSON file handling or double entries. All E-Way bills are generated with QR and bar codes.
Why GSTHero is the best choice for businesses like yours?

We are part of a $100 Million (approx INR 700 Cr) Group

largest GSP of India, with very strong infrastructure to handle huge volumes

used by over 40000+ registered business and 3000+ registered Tax Consultants

Our strong domain experts drive the product and its features while ensuring accuracy

We are integrated with 100+ ERPs and Accounting systems across India

Our Strong relationship with GSTN, in testing upcoming changes and providing feedback to GSTN on regular basis
Over 10,000 Companies are powered by GSTHero